I’m most grateful for my parents who raised me to be who I am now.

  I’m most grateful for my parents who raised me to be who I am now. Dad was strict, and although he wasn’t your typical “American” […]

I took the huge leap of moving to Hawaii with only $611 in my pocket.

  When I turned 21, I took the huge leap of moving to Hawaii with only $611 in my pocket. I wanted a change in my […]

Not getting bitten was winning the game.

  I remember back in high school I’d spend my mornings on the weekend shooting the shit with my mother at the kitchen table. We’d split […]

Have I done anything worth remembering?

  Legacy. I struggle with legacy. How do I want to be remembered? How will I be remembered? Have I done anything worth remembering? Such questions […]

I have loved so many people in my life…

  In general, I have always been a romantic when it comes to love in the fairy tale sense.  I always thought I was in love […]