We are building a repository of real life experiences, memories, and legacies, along with a bright and thoughtful community that celebrates what it means to live a meaningful life.
Will you join us?
Leave a GracenoteWhat happens every day for most of us when we wake up in the morning? We check our phones in the hopes of finding something exciting that connects us to others, and yet, why do we still feel so alone? In a world so connected, why do we feel so disconnected? Because we know that most of what we see on the internet is not real. We see what other people want us to see, yet our hearts hunger for something deeper.
That "empty, hollow" feeling is part of what we're addressing at Gracenotes-- we want to create an authentic platform where people don't have to feel pressured to perform and look good for other people, nor feel surrounded by "noise" that's inconsequential against the real questions and many discoveries life has in store for us.
We're creating a space for quiet solace, thoughtful reflection, and for personal self discovery-- a space where deep and sometimes difficult questions can be answered in peace. Questions about love, regret, life, death, and so much more. The answers to these questions are what truly bring meaningful connectivity to self and others...they are waiting for you to find them!"
Gracenotes is a place where you can privately meditate on your life experiences and the legacy you'll leave behind. It can be just for you, and you have the power to invite people into your 'room' if you choose to. The power is yours to write and share your own story, as it should be!
There's a deep, hidden power in journaling. See for yourself by posting your first Gracenote to any of the available topics in the repository.
Work with local artists, writers, and other creative professionals to craft your story Design a handwritten Legacy Letter, sit down for a professional 1-on-1 video interview with Gracenotes Staff, sign up for our Family Legacy Notification Service to leave your Gracenote to a family member, and much more. The options are endless and include personalized attention to you and your unique life story.
Through Gracenotes, I seek to build a safe place where legacy makers can privately store their life notes or share them with their loved ones or the rest of the Gracenotes community. By joining and sharing a piece of your life story, whether it it be a real life experience, a memory, or a nugget of wisdom, you can help weave a giant tapestry of knowledge that I hope we can create together.
I want you to join me and help build a bright, beautiful community centered around the idea of what it means to live a full life.
Leave a Gracenote