We are creating a repository for wisdom, a place where legacies can live...

We believe there is a real need for deeper human connections not being met in our culture.

After all, there's only so much you can say in a 150 character Tweet. Even among people you know, it's difficult to say how you REALLY feel to your friends, your family, and even to your self sometimes. There's always a new show on Netflix, some social drama to tap into, or thing to have (but don't need)-- we all know though, these things can only do so much to bring real happiness and fulfillment into our lives.

So what if you found a way to say more and express how you truly feel? This is why we created Gracenotes-- to catalog people's real life stories, feelings, and slices of wisdom; to combat the noise of everyday life with deep and meaningful storytelling, powered by people who have something to say.

Read more about Gracenotes...

It is an essential part of the human experience to tell your story.

People want to tell their story, but don't know how to begin or believe they have anything important to share. We believe making a Gracenote is a good place to start, and has the power to inspire and heal.
I have loved so many people in my life...read more life stories at Gracenotes

"I have loved so many people in my life…"

In general, I have always been a romantic when it comes to love in the fairy tale sense. I always thought I was in love from my first boyfriend in Kindergarten, Brandon to my husband Joseph. As I grow and am able to look back, I realized love, or the people I have loved in my youth in a romantic sense, was a feeling of belonging and understanding I yearned for. For the longest time I thought that sense of belonging was found in another person....


What legacy will you leave behind?

More Gracenotes

The latest life stories and snippets of wisdom we've collected from real people from all over the world.

"Have I done anything worth remembering?"

Legacy. I struggle with legacy. How do I want to be remembered? How will I be remembered? Have I done anything worth remembering? Such questions are hard for me to think about because facing my own mortality is difficult. I worry that my struggle has already limited me, that it’s already too late to be someone worth remembering...


"Not getting bitten was winning the game..."

I remember back in high school I’d spend my mornings on the weekend shooting the shit with my mother at the kitchen table. We’d split a pot of coffee (or two), and chainsmoke a box of Winston Ultralight 100’s. Our mugs would be full to the brim with lightly beige colored coffee given the obscene amounts of cinnamon-hazelnut creamer we’d add in, and in no time the room would smell sweet and smoky as we spun ourselves into a web of deep conversation....


Share your story • Leave your legacy

One of the most important pieces of your identity is the story you tell yourself about who you are.

Gracenotes is a place where you can work on your own personal life stories and legacy letters, publicly or privately. We believe life is an ever-unfolding narrative, and amazing discoveries are waiting for you once you take control of that story.

What will you realize about yourself? What will you leave behind for loved ones? Join us and find out!